Updates: Archers Phantom Ranger, Hawkeye, Silver Ranger


Участник ЗБТ
Every archer is very unique here, unlike in Interlude where all you do is click F1 autoattack. Here archers are characters with many different combo attacks. It requires a lot of thinking: what to do after you stun your enemy? You can either cancel stun with the following autoattack/skills or you can come closer, use Hex/Real target and then move back and kite your target.

Here are the details:

Phantom Ranger is unique because of its CDL type of skill Fatal Encounter. 1542211281496.png We made sure that it has long cool down (1 minute) so PR can't abuse it. But you can always oneshot someone before you die if you manage to hit your target at the right moment.

Hawkeye is more of autoattack type of archer. Also he's got some cool skills that we have reworked from regular classic.

Snipe 1542211372469.png Lasts for 30 seconds reuse time 3 minutes. It's a very powerful skill that increases range +300, p.atk +310, accuracy +12 and a critical chance +20%. And it doesn't hold you, your speed is decreased by -150.
Hawk eye 1542211474971.png - Increases P.atk by 8% and critical chance +20. Doesn't decrease P.def unlike in Interlude.

Silver Ranger is more what you call a skill-type of archer. It happened because some skills were changed.

Rapid Fire 1542211636169.png - Besides a small increasing of P.atk it does +30% atack speed and +15% faster skill reuse time. While your autoattack range is decreased not to 600 but 800 instead which makes him one of the strongest archers.

Skills for adena for archers:

Real Target (RT) 1542211786491.png - Bow Resistance -18% for 30 sec.. One of the most usable skills, the first one to buy. You can use it while your enemy is in stun without cancel stun. Costs 4k adena.

Ghost Piercing 1542232662797.png - A mass-type skill. Deals a great amount of damage and a good critical chance that poisons your target -250 hp/sec duration 10 seconds. Reuse time 2 minutes. Costs 12k adena.

Flame Hawk 1542232771712.png - Identical to mass skill of Phantom Ranger with the only difference in animation. Costs 12k adena.

Arrow Rain 1542232835314.png - Mass-type skill of Silver Ranger. It doesn't have 900 range as Hawk's or PR's skill but 600. However, aoe range is 600 unlike 300 in Hawk's or PR's skill. Costs 12k adena.

Death Sting 1542232942704.png - Single target and the most powerful skill of archers (13006 Power). Additionally, blocks magic skills usage for 10 sec (silence) Costs 18k adena.

New skill Retreat - Jump backwards for 300 range and while in jump you are invincible for 2 seconds. This skill was added for archers to escape from a melee enemies when they approach you. Cooldown 1 minute. Costs 8k adena.
New skill (free) Charge of Light 1579021167122.png - Charges up a fire-work type of lights that reveal people who are using hide nearby.
This skill was added to fight daggers who are hiding nearby. Cooldown 20 seconds.

There's a somewhat 20% chance of critical attack of each skill. They are dealing a great damage in game and melee players do not suffer much from it as they have counterpowers like switch/trick/dual weapon defense/dodge etc. Though mages do get a lot of input damage from it hence cool down is increased.

Update 14.01.2020 All archers recieved 2 skills: Retreat (8k adena), Charge of Light.

Update 15.01.2020 Silver Ranger recieved self buff for 9 seconds when using Seven Arrows 1579033829830.png p.atk increased by 10%.
Update 15.01 2020 Hawkeye
recieved Death Whisper 1579039992586.png buff from prophet. This is solely for olympiad, Hawkeye was somewhat weak in oly battles because of slow attack speed. Assuming you use hawkeye and snipe it will allow to deal a great amount of damage in auto attack.
Update 10.04.2020 Hawkeye recieved new skill Summon: Hawk
- A new pet, that has few very useful skills such as cleanse his owner from all debuffs, few attacking skills. (Updaate 10.04 the stats of Hawk are different now, it doesn't have 20k hp)


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Участник ЗБТ
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Участник ЗБТ
Не пойму иль проморгал чего, есть планы на англоязычную аудиторию?
Надеюсь, что да, но я это делаю для своих друзей буржуев которые придут на старт. Возможно, кому-то ещё будет полезно


Участник ЗБТ
Надеюсь, что да, но я это делаю для своих друзей буржуев которые придут на старт. Возможно, кому-то ещё будет полезно
ясненько, а вообще было бы круто затащить сюда и англоязычный контингент