FAQ - Answers to the main problems.


FAQ - Answers to the main problems.

Problems when entering the game:

For a stable game on our server, be sure to download the client and the patch from our website - https://classic-gve.ru/start/
A third-party client will not work with our patch.

- When starting the game, the Active Anticheat logo opens, the game closes, there is no critical error.
Solution: You need to disable screens or real-time protection in your antivirus.

[*]1) Windows --->"Print security" select the security option -->Virus protection -->On the right, "Manage settings" ---> Scroll down and select Exceptions "Add or remove" --> Add the entire directory l2 (folder)
2) Antivirus ---> "Manage settings" ---> Real-time protection "DISABLE"
3) Run L2 as administrator.
- When you start the game, the Active Anticheat logo opens, the game closes, there is a critical error.
Solution: Check if you installed our patch correctly.
Check if your antivirus has removed any client or patch files.
(check the main folders - animations, maps, staticmeshes, system-gve, systextures, textures so that all files are in place)

Check the drivers on your computer.
(if you have visited other classic chronicle projects and above, then everything is fine with you)

Problems with registering a personal account:

- If you made an inaccuracy when creating your Personal Account, you will definitely be shown an error.

- I didn't receive a confirmation email.
Solution: Check the confirmation email in the folder: "All Mail" or "Spam"
Double-check whether your mailbox was indicated during registration, you may have made a mistake.

- I registered a personal account, but I forgot my username and password.
Solution: After registration, a letter with your data comes to the mail.
If you could not find the letter, you can always recover your username and password by clicking on this link:https://classic-gve.ru/index/restore/

Popular questions:

- Do I need to create a game account after registering a Personal Account?
No, when creating a Personal Account with this login and password, you can already enter the game.

- How many game accounts can be created in the Personal Account?
You can create up to 4 game accounts in one account.

- How many windows are allowed to play on your server?
Currently 4.

- Do I need to transfer Donat Currency (vouchers) from the Personal Account to the character?
No, you do not need to do this, you can buy in the game (Donate Manager) everything that interests you automatically, without any extra

- How to activate the Bonus Code?
The code is activated in the Personal Account, the reward must be collected in the game, the npc has a Bonus start.
1. We go to the Personal Account - https://classic-gve.ru/index/login
2.Activate Bonus Codes in the Bonus tab. 46E2C27E-C5F1-4B8F-9375-530547F2B48D.png
3. Collect bonuses in the game from the npc Bonus Manager. 156418AD-7B4C-41FD-AF9B-10EBDB05B0B6.png

- Will I be able to play with the Interlude client on your server?
No, you can only play with our client.

- Where can I see what's in the donat shop?
You can view our price list here - https://classic-gve.ru/donate

If this thread didn't solve your problem, you can always
send us a message on the forum, in our group https://vk.com/classicgveor in our https://discord.gg/HukpwcQjq5 We will try to answer and help you as soon as possible!
