Updates: Spoiler and Crafter


Участник ЗБТ
Spoiler is a class that is almost useless on GvE faction servers. We remastered it trying to preserve its greedy nature.

To begin with, Spoil 1579038995899.png and Spoil Festival 1579039004097.png increase your target's price by 30%. These are debuffs and they last for 30 seconds.

Tenacity 1579039164010.png - For 5 minutes Stun Resistance +10, restores HP at a certain chance upon taking damage.

Crushing Strike 1579039222491.png - Deals damage to your enemy and decreases pdef/mdef by 10% for 3 seconds. Power 5166.

Shoulder Push 1579039547026.png - Rushes to your target at 400 range. Has a chance to stun your enemy.

And some standard skills such as Hammer Crush 1579040591123.png Brave Heart 1579040600778.png Final Secret 1579040628233.png and Fake Death 1579040634402.png

Skills for Adena:

Spoil Crush 1579039368634.png - Your target's price is increased by 100% (x2). Costs 4k adena.
Body Crush 1579039491866.png - Attacks the enemy with 2942 power, stunning them for 5 sec. With a certain chance dispels 1 buff(s) from a stunned target. Requires a sword, a blunt weapon, or a spear. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit. Costs 8k adena.

Spoil Explosion - AOE damage within 900 range while your targets price increased by 50%. Costs 12k adena.

Update 14.01.2020 spoiler recieved new skill Riposte Stance 1579039830224.png - Parries and returns an attack using a weapon. Returns 30% of received standard short-range damage back to an enemy, and reflects buff/de-buff with 30% probability. Decreases Speed by 20%, Atk. Spd. by 30%, and Accuracy by 4.
Update 10.04.2020 spoiler recieved new skill Great Resistance
- For 12 seconds M.def +776, attribute resist +20. Cooldown 3 minutes.


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Участник ЗБТ
Maestro (Crafter), much like spoiler, was pretty much useless on GvE so we remastered it. Now the golem summon does some good damage and we've added some new skills.

Apart from standard skills

Armor Crush 1579042858176.png , Hammer Crush 1579042877825.png , Brave Heart 1579042895569.png and Summon: Mechanic Golem 1579042943878.png

New skills were added:

Disarm 1579042965192.png - Disarms your enemy for 5 seconds. Cooldown 40 seconds.

Summon: Big Boom 1579043272355.png - The key feature here is that it can self-explode and deal a good amount of aoe damage.

Eye for Eye 1579043419976.png - Reflects the damage you get but you also recieve that damage. It doesn't add vitality as much but no one would want to hit himself, considering the fact that crafter has a lot of HP.

Spike 1579043333057.png - For 30 seconds P.atk +10% stun chance +80%. Restricted from olympiad.

Skills for Adena:

Mount Kukuru: 1579043629708.png - Mounts Kukuru. Considering the fact that no class has transforms this one is a nice way to runaway from a battle in case if you need to survive or vice versa you can reach somone really quick. Restricted from olympiad. Costs 4k adena.
Mass Disarm 1579043696633.png - Disarms nearby enemies for 5 seconds. Cooldown 2 minutes. Costs 8k adena.

Mount Golem 1579043738347.png - Mounts a Golem. This is a new skill implemented exclusively for Maestro. It allows you to kill anyone you see for 2 minutes because that golem has somewhat around 12k p.atk and 100k+ hp, but the speed remains the same. You would need some kind of support to back you up that has this buff 1579043898338.png and you can kill literally everyone together. Cooldown 1 hour. Restricted from olympiad. Costs 12k adena.
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