Warlord AOE skill mechanics / General Fighter skills


I just tested it monitoring closely at Siege and it happened a lot... you might be right in this case but not completely, since everybody spams Aura-flash.
Why it doesn't make sense to me is as i already mentioned, the AOE melee skills does not require a target to be launched in first place... it's why it does not seem right to get cancelled by a target removal or at all getting skill interruptions as a Warlord.

However the other issue with target-cast-death remains and it also doesn't seem as it's supposed to be since you end up with nothing but a wasted skill cooldown.
Looking forward to staff finding a reasonable fix to both issues. Also i think Spear Howl should be given a chance at critting with if not at full 100% critical damage, at least 50% @Sweet
Edit: Aura Flash interrupts the skills even if you did not have a target before start casting them.

@RBR @Sweet