Bonus Start - 07/16/2021 Second stage.


Галерный Мастер
Bonus Start - 07/16/2021 Second stage.

Bonus Start NPC gets additional functions:

- PA for a few days.
- B grade +5 (not transferable) (until 23.07 on the server there is no S grade. That is, you get +5 B grade, with the maximum available A grade)
Available to all players, both already playing and newcomers.

Added Bonus location - Death Valley (You can only be in the equipment that is issued by the NPC Bonus Start. It is forbidden to use hero and purchased skills.)

Drop in location:
Part of the Temptation of the Abyss (which are needed to buy a pendant, brooch and stones in a brooch)
Other items, points, ls and so on, with a good chance, so that newcomers can quickly catch up with dressed characters.

Added to NPC Pona:
Pendant, brooch and stones.
The price of all purchased skills is reduced -50%.

Also added bless A and S enchants to the store for raid points.

Will be available today after restart at 5 am (Moscow time)