Rules applicable to all forum users:
1. Creating accounts:
1.1 Containing in the name (nickname):
- website addresses
- advertising
- rude and obscene expressions
- vocabulary associated with racism
- nicknames of other forum users and expression of attitude towards them.
1.2 Duplicate already existing users of the forum.
1.3 To continue communication on the forum after the ban of another / main account (We punish people, not accounts, so the use of the forum can only be continued after the expiration of the sentence imposed. All duplicate accounts created to circumvent the punishment are subject to a permanent ban).
1.4 Containing in avatars, signatures, photographs, images with pornography, scenes of violence.
2. Creation of themes:
2.1 Already discussed on the forum. Use the search to find answers to questions.
2.2 In forums that are not relevant to the topic. Topics that do not correspond to the topic of the forum are moved to the appropriate forum and deleted in the same place.
2.3 Simultaneously in several forums or several repeated topics in one forum.
2.4 Having a meaningless title, for example, "Help!" or "Question". You should convey its general content in the title of the topic - this way you will be answered more quickly.
2.5 Containing in the title obscenities, rude expressions, insults to other forum users, slander against the administration of the project or violation of any other paragraph of these rules.
3. Publication of messages containing:
3.1 Disrespectful remarks or slander to the project administration, as well as to the project as a whole. Any information that could discredit the project and the administration.
3.2 Calls to violate the current legislation of the Russian Federation, racist statements, incitement to ethnic hatred.
3.3 Direct links and references to tragic events that occurred in real life, directly or indirectly related to Lineage2.
3.4 Knowingly false information that can mislead other forum users, harm them, provoke actions that are inadequate to the real state of affairs.
3.5 Commercial advertising, advertising of other projects, referral links.
3.6 Swearing (including veiled), rude and offensive statements against other people, provocations for rudeness (this rule fully applies to the content of LNV reports). Insulting the authors of LPV reports or excessively rude statements in relation to the report itself, its content or form.
3.7 Excessive amount of spelling errors and slang words. And also an excessive number of words written in capital letters.
3.8 Flood (meaningless and meaningless remarks). Frequent "ups" of topics (it is permissible to raise a topic no more than once every 4 hours).
3.9 Misuse of message text formatting tools such as color, text size, etc. Your message must remain readable and not inconvenient for other people in using the forum.
3.10 Images, texts and videos with pornography, scenes of violence.
3.11 Declassification of any information about users, including names, etc. without their consent. Unauthorized publication of communication logs, other people's photos, etc.
4. Discussion in any form:
4.1 Actions of the administration and moderators of the forum. With claims, please contact the administrators via private messages or through the support service.
4.2 Questions from topics and messages closed / deleted by the administration.
5. Using someone else's accounts:
5.1 In order to bypass the ban of your own account and continue communication on the forum.
5.2 To use any of the benefits of a shared account (for example, a moderator's account or if the account has access to closed specialized sections).
5.3 In order to impersonate another person, mislead other users and cause them any harm.
The punishment is determined by the forum moderator, depending on the severity of the violation, as well as the past history of punishment of the offender.
Possible penalties include:
- deleting a forum account
- deleting a message containing a violation
- banning posts for a period at the discretion of the moderator
- blocking the forum account for a period at the discretion of the moderator
- ban of all game accounts of the user (in case of serious abuse of violations)
Rules for forum moderators:
1. It is unacceptable to issue warnings without specifying a specific reason.
2. It is unacceptable to prejudice any side in the event of conflict situations.
3. If the moderator has exceeded his authority, then he also receives a warning. Self-withdrawal of the warning is punishable by deprivation of moderator rights. Only administrators have the right to ban / remove warnings from forum moderators.
1. Creating accounts:
1.1 Containing in the name (nickname):
- website addresses
- advertising
- rude and obscene expressions
- vocabulary associated with racism
- nicknames of other forum users and expression of attitude towards them.
1.2 Duplicate already existing users of the forum.
1.3 To continue communication on the forum after the ban of another / main account (We punish people, not accounts, so the use of the forum can only be continued after the expiration of the sentence imposed. All duplicate accounts created to circumvent the punishment are subject to a permanent ban).
1.4 Containing in avatars, signatures, photographs, images with pornography, scenes of violence.
2. Creation of themes:
2.1 Already discussed on the forum. Use the search to find answers to questions.
2.2 In forums that are not relevant to the topic. Topics that do not correspond to the topic of the forum are moved to the appropriate forum and deleted in the same place.
2.3 Simultaneously in several forums or several repeated topics in one forum.
2.4 Having a meaningless title, for example, "Help!" or "Question". You should convey its general content in the title of the topic - this way you will be answered more quickly.
2.5 Containing in the title obscenities, rude expressions, insults to other forum users, slander against the administration of the project or violation of any other paragraph of these rules.
3. Publication of messages containing:
3.1 Disrespectful remarks or slander to the project administration, as well as to the project as a whole. Any information that could discredit the project and the administration.
3.2 Calls to violate the current legislation of the Russian Federation, racist statements, incitement to ethnic hatred.
3.3 Direct links and references to tragic events that occurred in real life, directly or indirectly related to Lineage2.
3.4 Knowingly false information that can mislead other forum users, harm them, provoke actions that are inadequate to the real state of affairs.
3.5 Commercial advertising, advertising of other projects, referral links.
3.6 Swearing (including veiled), rude and offensive statements against other people, provocations for rudeness (this rule fully applies to the content of LNV reports). Insulting the authors of LPV reports or excessively rude statements in relation to the report itself, its content or form.
3.7 Excessive amount of spelling errors and slang words. And also an excessive number of words written in capital letters.
3.8 Flood (meaningless and meaningless remarks). Frequent "ups" of topics (it is permissible to raise a topic no more than once every 4 hours).
3.9 Misuse of message text formatting tools such as color, text size, etc. Your message must remain readable and not inconvenient for other people in using the forum.
3.10 Images, texts and videos with pornography, scenes of violence.
3.11 Declassification of any information about users, including names, etc. without their consent. Unauthorized publication of communication logs, other people's photos, etc.
4. Discussion in any form:
4.1 Actions of the administration and moderators of the forum. With claims, please contact the administrators via private messages or through the support service.
4.2 Questions from topics and messages closed / deleted by the administration.
5. Using someone else's accounts:
5.1 In order to bypass the ban of your own account and continue communication on the forum.
5.2 To use any of the benefits of a shared account (for example, a moderator's account or if the account has access to closed specialized sections).
5.3 In order to impersonate another person, mislead other users and cause them any harm.
The punishment is determined by the forum moderator, depending on the severity of the violation, as well as the past history of punishment of the offender.
Possible penalties include:
- deleting a forum account
- deleting a message containing a violation
- banning posts for a period at the discretion of the moderator
- blocking the forum account for a period at the discretion of the moderator
- ban of all game accounts of the user (in case of serious abuse of violations)
Rules for forum moderators:
1. It is unacceptable to issue warnings without specifying a specific reason.
2. It is unacceptable to prejudice any side in the event of conflict situations.
3. If the moderator has exceeded his authority, then he also receives a warning. Self-withdrawal of the warning is punishable by deprivation of moderator rights. Only administrators have the right to ban / remove warnings from forum moderators.