Недавнее содержимое от Mawel

  1. Mawel

    Job report, information and compensation (DDoS)

    Job report, information and compensation (DDoS) so, let's begin: At about 22-30 on Sunday, DDoS started, there were no problems with it, sometimes the website and payments only went down, usually almost any defense fights off this once or twice, then literally an hour later, another DDoS...
  2. Mawel

    Bonus Start - 07/16/2021 Second stage.

    Bonus Start - 07/16/2021 Second stage. Bonus Start NPC gets additional functions: - PA for a few days. - B grade +5 (not transferable) (until 23.07 on the server there is no S grade. That is, you get +5 B grade, with the maximum available A grade) Available to all players, both already playing...
  3. Mawel

    Update: Cube (Dungeon)

    A new event - "Cube" has been implemented. In this event, you can take a break from PvP and go through the PvE event. Event schedule (Moscow time): 00-30 03-30 12-30 15-30 All players at the specified time receive an invitation to register the event - "Cube". Registration takes place in the...
  4. Mawel

    Update: Hot Springs

    Added a new changeable location - Hot Springs. Added new mobs for the location style. (were ported from another client version) The drop for mobs is the same as for mobs in other changeable locations, with minimal differences. Example: (At the start will not be available: Part of...
  5. Mawel

    Update: Big Harvest Event

    Update: Big Harvest Event Big Harvest is a PvP and PvE event. Event schedule (Moscow time): 00-00 03-00 12-00 15-00 18-00 All players at the specified time receive an invitation to register for the event - Big Harvest. You can also register for the event through the event button or through...
  6. Mawel

    Update: Corrections p2

    - Fixed a bug with the time of the castle rune. - Slightly reduced the impact of the resist against two-handed weapons in Epic and Raid Bosses. - Added new B weapon Kaim Vanul. (it will be useful for brews taking into account the latest updates) - Fixed errors in descriptions of CD of many...
  7. Mawel

    Update: Lifestones

    Update: Lifestones Removed all irrelevant and chance Lifestones. I understand that maybe someone really liked the chance poison or an increase in the head, but we decided to remove all irrelevant drugs, leaving only the most relevant LS. namely, there is such a list of ls: <! - Item Skill...
  8. Mawel

    Update: Epic Boss "Freya"

    Implemented a new Epic Boss "Freya" The location is tailored to the style of the boss. (there is where to turn around and fight) Freya has a number of interesting skills: 1. Frost armor 2. The Frozen Throne 3. Snow storm 4. Cold crystal 5. Diamond Dust (there may still be adjustments...
  9. Mawel

    Update: Faction Leaders

    A new tab has been added to Alt + B - "Leaders". This tab displays all candidates who have applied for the leader of your faction, the maximum number of candidates is 30. They need a band with 12-00 to 00-00 (msk), and they also have to have 4 poisonous influences. (view the influential...
  10. Mawel

    Automatic system for streamers has been implemented in the Personal Account.

    With this system you can: 1. Add your streams to the main page. 2. Remove your streams from the main one when the stream is over. 3. Receive automatic-daily rewards for your streams at 5 am after restart. How it works? Step-by-step instruction: 1. Click on the Stream button in your personal...
  11. Mawel

    The official start of classic-gve on April 16 at 20:00 Moscow time.

    Opening on April 16 at 20:00 Moscow time. MBT launch on April 13 at 21:00 Moscow time. End of the MBT on April 15 at 23:59 Moscow time The official opening of the classic-gve server will take place. The best PVP mod in the world Lineage 2. Technical support will work on the forum and social...
  12. Mawel

    Правила игры на сервере

    Запрещено: Использование бот-программ и программ для подмены HWID. Нарушение данного пункта карается баном всех аккаунтов. В случае обнаружения подозрительного игрока используйте команду /botreport. Любая автоматизация игрового процесса (макросы мышек, кликеры, цикличные макросы и тд.)...
  13. Mawel

    Forum Rules

    Rules applicable to all forum users: IT IS FORBIDDEN ON THE FORUM 1. Creating accounts: 1.1 Containing in the name (nickname): - website addresses - advertising - rude and obscene expressions - vocabulary associated with racism - nicknames of other forum users and expression of...
  14. Mawel

    Правила общения на Форуме

    Правила, распространяющиеся на всех пользователей форума: НА ФОРУМЕ ЗАПРЕЩАЕТСЯ 1. Создание аккаунтов: 1.1 Содержащих в имени (нике): - адреса веб-сайтов - рекламу - гpубые и нецензурные выражения - лексику, ассоциирующуюся с расизмом - ники других пользователей форума и выражение отношения к...